New Member Special

Experience our community and the benefits of regular practice.

Your first month of membership is only $48-for new guests only. 

Activated on date of purchase

$48/ first month

renews monthly at $108

Resilience Builder Membership


Lock in this monthly rate and enjoy the benefits of unlimited yoga classes, 20% off workshops and branded apparel.

No fees or contracts- Self cancel online anytime



Receive 4 classes to use each month

Unused classes don’t roll over

No other membership benefits apply. 

For those who practice on average once a week

10-Class Pass


Take classes at your pace. Great for people who travel. 

Pass good for 12 months from date of purchase and can not be shared. 

A great way to try all of our classes!


Use for yoga, workshops or retail in our local maker boutique.


$28 Single Class

10% Gratitude Discount on 10 class pass or monthly membership offered to:

Military members, wise elders (60+), students, and front-line helpers (first responders, medical professionals, teachers, therapists, and practitioners of healing arts)

 If you are experiencing a season of need right now, limited partial scholarships are available.

Please contact Susan directly: