Yoga has been a big part of Marissa’s life for more than 20 years. As a teenager struggling with depression, yoga became a light in the darkness. It has been a security blanket at times, pushed her out of her comfort zone at times, and continues to be her passion. After a TBI (traumatic brain injury) in 2010, yoga has also helped her reconnect to her body and work through disassociation. As a yoga instructor (yet forever a student), Marissa strives to provide a sacred space for people to come as they are, tune into their inner world a little deeper, and remember that anything we contribute to our world comes back to us, as we are all connected! Outside of the studio, you’ll find Marissa practicing Buti yoga (literally anywhere), bowling with her two sons, dipping in the Poudre River, paddleboarding, drinking chai on a café patio, or binging the latest Star Wars series.